1. Contact
Protasov Andrey
Born date: november, 5, 1976
Location: Tyumen city, Russian Federation
Homepage: andypro.narod.ru
E-mail: andypro@mail.ru
ICQ: 45185778
2. Formation
1994-1999 Tyumen state Oil and Gas University, Department of Computer Sciency, speciality: management and informatics in technical system
1998 Diploma "Bachelor degree of the technology and technologies"
1999 Diploma "Electrical engineer of management and informatics in technical system"
2000 Course increasing of qualification "Basic managment" corporate scool ZSGP, Tyumen
2004.04 Course "Basic development an Atlantis language in Galaktika business suite", Galaktika Corporation, Moscow
2004.04 Course "Facilities and methods of the making the reports in Galaktika business suite", Galaktika Corporation, Moscow
2005.01 Course "Oracle 9i Perfomance Tuning", ITC Education , Tyumen
2005.01 Course "Oracle 9i Foundation II", ITC Education, Tyumen
2005.11 Course "Administrate system Gazprom unit registry right property", ICL-KPO-VS , Kazan city, Russia
2005 My online-examination:
3. Experience of the work and executed projects
since 02.2003 to now "Zapsibgazprom" the general specialist of Department IT. Duty: Support Oracle 7.3, 8.0.6, 8i, 10g on Sun and Windows. Backup hot and cold, creating, copying, replicate, restoring, perfomance tune and monitoring. Support servers for database Sun Enterprise, Sun Fire, OS Solaris 2.6, 2.5.1, 9/04 installing, monitoring, writing scriptes. Support internet-servers on OS FreeBSD 4.3, 6.1, installing, writing firewall rules. Controlling NT domain controller, terminal servers on Windows 2000, 2003, Citrix Metaframe. Administrate "Galaktika business suite". Also support docflow system, helping accounting users salary tax report, client-bank software and many other software. Programming database client application on Delphi, programming complex reports. Support terminal users, solving current problems. 07.2002-01.2003"Infotech", the leadinging engineer-programmer. Build ER-modeling project and programming commerce application "Human Resource Control" "Bit2000: HR", programming project "Bit2000: Salary", on Interbase database. 07.1999-06.2002"Zapsibgazprom" system engineer, engineer-programmer, leading engineer-programmer of Department IT. Executed projects: 1999-2000 - corporate electronic docflow system "Docflow 2000" is now use, 2001 - corporate system "HR - Human Resources", 2002 - advanced, commerce corporate system "HC - Human Control". All projects created on Oracle database, use client-server architecture, construct ER modeling structure, programming server and client sides. All business rules, autentification and security incarnate on server side level, transaction control, PL/SQL programming. Also assist Oracle DBA, scripting backup rules on Sun. 07.1998-11.1998 Depatment Computer Science Tyumen state Oil and Gas University. Leading engineer-programmer. Build and programing study stends in microelectronic lab, write on assembler, create schematic design on microchip x51, 8086 series. Linking stends via RS232 and LPT.
4. Knowledges
Oracle 7.3, 8.0.6, 8i, 9i, 10g. SQL, stored PL/SQL, perfomance tuning, cold and hot backup, restoring database, export-import, RMAN, standby database.
Basic administrate experience Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6, 9 on Sun servers; Experience FreeBSD: sendmail, innd, ftp, ipfw, Squid, Apache.
Administrate and monitoring tools for Oracle from Quest Software and Embarcadero. Entity relation modeling, use tools ERStudio, ERWin.
Interbase. SQL, stored procedures, backup and restore. Also knowledges MSSQL, MySQL.
Delphi. All version, create and using any components, DB engines for application, reports. Knowledges XML, UML, HTML, Java. Studied and used the principles of the building of the design of the user interface.
Programming database reports in FastReport, Report Builder, QReport.
SCADA-system Rockwell Software, Wonderware, construct distributed data acquisition systems, electronic microchip, schematic design.
The knowledge principle functioning the corporate document processing, account of the human resources, calculation of the salary. Work in team. Studied principles of development management programme project, eXtreme programming.
5. Position
Oracle DBA. Support Oracle database. Control whole corporate network. Development manager in corporate.
Expected conditions of the work: worthy computer technology and office conditions, worthy compensation, fully internet access, no prohibition internet-trading, organized team, possibility of the professional growing and perspective, extension experience course.
Publicate 14 october 2002
English edition 2 december 2005
Last edit 31.03.2007